Essay on Energy Crisis in Pakistan...

Essay on Energy Crisis in Pakistan...

Published by admin on 28th September 2022

Essay on Energy Crisis in Pakistan

It is a fact that Pakistan is the state which is facing problems since its independence and unfortunately failed to find a relevant solution for these problems. One of the major problems of Pakistan is load-shedding, but it has increased for the last two decades. Other Countries of the world are moving towards enlightenment but Pakistan is still in dark. It feels so awkward to hear that Pakistan is an atomic state but couldn’t resolve this issue even in the 21st century.

The major cause of this issue is increasing demand, as the population of the country increasing day by day, it requires more electricity, but the government is failed to fill this gap. According to an estimated calculation published by essay writing service, our country needs 22000-24000 megawatt electricity and this demand is rapidly increasing with time, around 5% per year. Unfortunately, Pakistan is only able to produce not more than 18000-megawatt energy until now. Perhaps, the government claimed to produce more, but the reality is slightly different.

Why Pakistan is not succeeded in resolving this issue? There are several reasons behind it some of them are:

. There are two sources of electricity, one is natural gas other is imported oil. Oil is always an expensive source for the power producer so they emphasize mainly natural gas, but nowadays they are facing the shortage of natural gas also which decreases the capacity of production. Coal is in abundance in Pakistan but due to the in-expertise, they are not utilizing it correctly. 

This is a modern era, we have electronic gadgets all around us, and they are the biggest consumer of electricity. Many of the government building including General Assemblies consume a lot of electricity often do not pay their utility bills.

This problem is not something new in Pakistan; electricity can be stolen anywhere by anyone easily. Although, the subsidy is given by the government to power Supply Company this is not enough for them to recover this major drawback.  At the time 20-30% of electricity is being stolen by the theft and it has become a big challenge to control.

In the field of technology, Pakistan is lagging behind among most of the other countries of the world. The same issue is with power projects, the government is not interested in information on new projects, which will be an addition to the production. Every elected government mainly focused on a non-development program like a laptop scheme, etc.

Hydropower is one of the most inexpensive sources of producing electricity, but this idea is totally ignored by the current government. In the past, Parvez Musharraf worked on it, but later on, it could not be carried on by the next government. All developed countries including China, America, Germany and even India are producing a huge part of electricity by establishing the hydropower, solar and wind power plant. The government should take initiatives to install these projects in the country; they are cheap, durable and reliable.

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