Essay on Education in Pakistan...

Essay on Education in Pakistan...

Published by admin on 28th September 2022

Essay on Education in Pakistan

Education is the primary need for the development of mankind. Education tells us the better way of living and guides us in every aspect of life, it is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Education spread light in life, it frees an individual from misconceptions and blind belief. It is the key factor in the success of any nation.

The education system is the combination of all public, private, for-profit, non-profit institution delivering education and making policies to deliver quality education to their nation. The education system of Pakistan is lagging behind compared to the many other countries of the world due to the lake of interest by the government for the last few decades. The system is in critics even after 70 years of independence, the government failed to introduce a single education system in the country. The education system is divided into six categories which are as under:

Pre-Primary schools ( Begining Classes)

Primary schools (class I-V)

middle schools (class VI-VIII)

Secondary schools (class IX-X)

Higher secondary schools ( class XI-XII)

University level ( Graduation/ Masters)

The system is overseen by the Federal and provincial governments.  According to the research of essay writing service, there are 260,803 registered institutes in Pakistan facilitating over 41,025,645 students where public sector institutes are around 70% and 30% are run by private organizations. The nation is committed to upgrade the literacy rate and to promote the education, for this purpose the government takes initiatives and after the 18th Amendment in the constitution, there has been little change in the system. Education now becomes a fundamental need of every citizen. some of the major problems are:

 The government schools are failed to deliver quality education, only poor people send their children to public institutes because they can not afford the high fees of private schools, which are making their business in the name of serving education. It looks like the classification of schools should be on the basis of stars, like five and four stars hotels, the government should impose the same syllabus in both public and private institutions in order to eliminate this class-based education system. Another issue is the lack of funds, the government allocates a small number of funds which is not enough for the development of a system, according to a report 81% of funds are reserved for the salaries of teachers and rest is for the infrastructure and other expenses. The gender difference is other problems which are the restriction towards the progressive literacy rate, in many areas parents don’t allow their daughters to go for schools and colleges. Women are the backbone of any nation, and for the educated nation, it is necessary to have educated mothers.

The system is not delivering the best education, the literacy rate of Pakistan is lower than countries like Bangladesh and Srilanka, the government should take serious initiatives for the betterment of education otherwise as a nation we can not compete with the modern world because other countries are emphasizing more on it and investing a huge amount of money to lead the system towards betterment.

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